Hi all,
For some reason I can't embed my Event Registration Form on a Marketing Page.
It has previously worked fine, but as I am trying again I am failing.
Here's how I do it:
1. I create an Event Registration form and publish it
2. I create an Event and check "Yes" I want to "Use marketing form for registration"
3. I then find the form I just created and insert it
4. Publish the event
5. Grab the form hosting script
6. Create a Marketing Page
7. Insert the script
The form does not show on the Marketing Page (Landingpage) and I don't know why.
I insert the script just above the </body> tag.
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Thanks as always Nya.
Have a great weekend when you get there.
Hi Emil,
Sorry I cannot help with that since there is no documentation explicitly mentions this.
You can raise a support ticket for further help.
Ok thanks.
Strange that I could do previously?! I think this is an important feature.
Can you then confirm that the only way to use Event Registration Forms is to embed them externally?
Hi Emil,
I have reproduced your issue with your steps and I cannot embed the form into marketing page either.
Hi Nya,
I know that I can't choose the Event Registration Form and add it to the Marketing Page oob.
What I did was to take the form hosting script and paste it directly into the HTML of the page like I would if I were to embed it on an external website.
Can you check if you can make that work like I previously did??
Hi Emil,
Here are my forms:
Then I create a marketing page and set its type as Landing Page.
Add a marketing form element into the page.
The lookup field can list the forms whose type is landing page only.
Even in the "Advanced Lookup", it will only display Landing Page Forms and the default subscription centre.
If I choose to insert the default subscription centre, it will not pass the error check.
So I'm not sure why you can insert an Event Registration Form into the landing page type marketing page and pass the error check.
Hi Nya,
Are you sure about this?
I have previously been able to do this and I have existing Marketing Pages with Event Registration Forms embedded?
Marketing Page
Marketing page html
If what you say is correct, then I will not be able to use Event Registration Forms on Marketing Pages. Is that correct???
If so, is the only option to embed an event registration form on a website?
Hi Emil,
When you're choosing which form the element will show, you can only choose forms whose type matches the type of marketing page you are working on (landing page, subscription center, or forward to a friend).
Ref: Add a form to a marketing page
So the Event Registration Form cannot be inserted into a marketing page.
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