My understanding, based on previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics, is that a step to check the match status must be performed prior to posting a vendor invoice in D365. In fact, a message appears for pending invoices that states "The Match status has been reset to Not performed for one or more invoices. You must update the Match status prior to posting." However, today I tried to hit the Totals button at the top of the page. I wasn't paying close attention and I accidentally hit the Post button instead. To my surprise, the invoice, with a match status of Not performed, posted with no errors.
Am I misunderstanding the functionality of this? I frequently add vendor invoices to a pending list with the intention of reviewing them later to post. Does hitting the Post button automatically perform the 'Update match status' process, combining the two steps into one? More importantly, if that occurs automatically, is it possible to adjust the setup to prevent this?
I realize that most users likely want more, not less, automation but I prefer to keep these steps separate for more control. We often have extra charges that need to be added to make the onscreen entry match the invoice in hand and quite a few of these charges wouldn't require extra system approval in order to post. In this instance, I was lucky that the posted amount was correct at the time but that wouldn't always be the case.
Thanks for any insight you can share with me!