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Invoice capture - PO invoice

Posted on by 26
Hi all :-)
While exploring Invoice capture, I can't figure out how to capture an invoice containing two PO's? Have any one managed that yet?
I can create a happy flow, where I have one invoice regarding one PO, where the invoice is captured, reviewed and transferred touchless to D365. But as soon as I have an invoice with two PO numbers, the invoice is captured with errors and I can process further.
Maybe Microsoft/Invoice capture don't support this function at all? 
Would appriacate feedback!
  • SD-29081321-0 Profile Picture
    SD-29081321-0 2 on at
    Invoice capture - PO invoice
    I have managed to do it with 2 PO's. However, only by creating a new AI model and training it with example supplier invoices that have multiple PO numbers on them. You can try to map the PO field over the multiple values during the training process. A big caveat is that if PO numbers field goes over multiple lines invoice capture has a hissy fit and cannot map it (as of 3 months ago, perhaps this has changed since).
  • SuzanS Profile Picture
    SuzanS 26 on at
    Invoice capture - PO invoice
    Hi Kevin Xia 
    I have managed to successfully process an inovice with only one corresponding PO. So it's 1:1, it goes touchless through.
    But when I note 2 PO's on the invoice (as I'm testing), the total amount is not calculated correct. It's fine to manually review, don't expect touchless. But somehow, I get error and can't complete review and transfer the invoice to D365.
    Have you tested the scenario with one invoice to be matched with more than one PO?
  • SuzanS Profile Picture
    SuzanS 26 on at
    Invoice capture - PO invoice
    Thanks for your reply, but I need to import with Invoice Capture not Data entity. 
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Invoice capture - PO invoice
    When you say that there is an error, does it mean that the invoice information is identified incorrectly and needs to be manually reviewed? Or you can try to identify a few more because the invoice capture feature has continuous learning capabilities. Invoice capture learns from corrections that were made by the Accounts payable (AP) clerk of a previous invoice. The next time that a similar invoice is captured, Invoice capture applies what it has learned to derive the entities.
    Best regards,
  • Suggested answer
    Giorgio Bonacorsi Profile Picture
    Giorgio Bonacorsi 346 on at
    Invoice capture - PO invoice
    Hi Suzan, 
    Try to see if the "Vendor invoice line sub line V2" entity can help you.
    If you are interested in more details, you can check this article:
    Kind regards,
    Giorgio Bonacorsi

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