We handle all our opt-ins and outs in a /My profile/ section on our website. We don't use any of the features in Dynamics (forms, etc). All emails are currently sent as transactional, with all commercial emails having an unsubscribe link directing customers to their profile on our site where they can opt-out if they like.
To enable one-click unsubscribe, we have to start sending emails as commercial. To do this, we need a subscription center link.
Dynamics doesn't allow you to send commercial emails without a subscription center link, and adding an external subscription center URL in content settings and adding this to a commercial email doesn't work.
I’ve tried to add this both as a dynamic and static link. When adding it as a dynamic link, a tag is added to the URL (?msdynunsubscribeid=dfdfdfdfdsfd) which screws up our own generated unsubscribe link. Adding it as a static link just yields the error that an unsubscribe link must be added to send commercial emails.
I know I can easily add a dynamic link and hide it somewhere in the email, but I don’t really want to do that. So, how can I resolve this issue?
- Can the tag be removed from the dynamic link?
- Can a static link be used?
- Or is this just another stupid feature/ide/thing Microsoft have implemented without thinking about their customers?