Is there a way to get the field attributes of the selected Records in a /Subgrid/ that is not a real subgrid, but Associated View?
I have a button in the Ribbon of the View /Associated View Invoice Line Details/ that should show only if all selected Lines have field /Correction/ = false.
my JS manages to show me the Name and Guid of the View, but the GetControl does not work => Debugger: formContext.GetControl is not a function
vView = /{59AB5957-0408-465A-83F8-A134E7B1F3A5}/ /Invoice Line Detail Associated View/
is there a way to retrieve the attributes in a similar way as for subgrids?
like formContext.getControl(arg).getGrid().getRows().getAll()[n].data.entity.attributes.getAll();
thank you for any advise