how can I insert an image in a report of dynamics NAV 5.0 AND NAV 2013 ?
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how can I insert an image in a report of dynamics NAV 5.0 AND NAV 2013 ?
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For picture saved in a field retrieve the record, use YourRec.CALCFIELDS(YourPicField) and add the field in the dataset. Then in Visual Studio add an Image control, setting Source = Database the Value property with appropriate field.
In case the picture it's stored outside the db you can even embed it setting Source = Embedded and, from the control properties, use "Import" function to load it.
Please how can insert it in Navision 2013 !!
thank u
Are you saying you want to show a picture that is NOT saved in nav?
Their is a BLOB field in the company info table #29 Picture.
As above to show a picture stored in a BLOB field in nav you use calcfields to show the pic.
If you have an outside pic you can use the toolbox to add am IMAGE box.
Under Properties->Bitmap you would put your path ie. c:\MyPic.BMP
Another way is to import on the fly, say all your item pics are saved outside of nav.
you can create a report using ITEM as the dataitem (note my item ics are saved using the Item number as it's name.)
IF EXISTS ('C:\YourPictureFolder\'+"No."+'.BMP')
I look the report 205, it insert the picture that is the table 79-company information, i must insert a picture that i have in a file .bmp
can you help me
thank you
The pictures are retrieved from a table field. Just take a look into standard report 205 that prints pictures in the PageLoop header:
In the C/AL part, you will need:
Then you can use this value in a picture box.
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