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Session Id :
Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

From Picking Location to Location for Processing, back to Picking Location

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I am curious as to how well AX12's WMS could be configured to provide efficient solutions for a wholesale warehouse that sells items by length (m). 

Scenario of desired function: Worker uses mobile device, gets a picking order for 10m of cable. The warehouse buys and/or produces product in larger batches - e.g. rolls of 100m cables. A desired system allows the worker to pick the batch (100m roll of cable) from a picking or batch location, transport it to the processing location that is set up for cutting cable. At the processing location, the worker cuts off 10m of cable. From here the worker should be able to return the roll of cable (remaining 90m) to the orginal location or a new location that gets registered in the system. The worker has now picked 10m cable and the on-hand inventory for that product has been reduced by 10m.

Hopefully the scenario is explained enough to make sense. My question would be; does a solution like this seems possible to build/configure in AX2012 WMS? If so, what locations and steps need to be configured to allow for this to be done through mobile device?

Thanks in advance,


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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: From Picking Location to Location for Processing, back to Picking Location

    Hello Guy,

    Thanks for the advice, it gave me some great insight!



  • Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: From Picking Location to Location for Processing, back to Picking Location

    Hi Oskar,

    This is the closest I can think in standard AX.

    Stock and sell the items (which are sold in variable lengths) in meters. Give each roll a unique License plate Id.

    Configure the Sales location directives to pick these items from the processing / cutting location, and use Wave demand replenishment to ensure there is enough cable in this location. The Replenishment location directive should Pick the rolls from the picking locations. On the Replenishment Location directive action, use the Strategy 'Round up to Full LP'.

    When you create Work for the Sales orders, AX will create Wave demand replenishment to get the rolls to the cutting location. 'Round up to Full LP' will ensure you are moving the entire roll, even if not all of the roll is needed. The worker can use a Inventory movement / Movement by template to return the remainder of the roll to the picking location if they want.

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