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Vendor account statement report

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Posted on by 12
Hi everyone,
I want to add new fields and customize the system's default vendor account statement report.
So, I first extended the TMP table to my project, duplicated the default SSRS report to make a new design and add my new fields, created extension class of DP to map my new fields. But now I don't know how to make a new Output menu item to show my new report knowing that the default menu item uses the controller class object not a report object.
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 12 on at
    Vendor account statement report
    @Kevin, thank you for your reply I managed to extend the report controller and let it use my new report and design, but when I used the processReport method and used a post event handler a strange behaviour happens. 
    while select forUpdate tmp
                select firstonly generalJournalEntry where generalJournalEntry.recid == tmp.GeneralJournalEntry
                    join fiscalCalendarPeriod where fiscalCalendarPeriod.RecId == generalJournalEntry.FiscalCalendarPeriod;
                select firstonly vendInvoiceJour where tmp.Voucher == vendInvoiceJour.LedgerVoucher
                    && vendInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount == tmp.AccountNum
                    && vendInvoiceJour.InvoiceDate == tmp.TransDate;
                tmp.PeriodName      = fiscalCalendarPeriod.Name;
                tmp.PurchId         = vendInvoiceJour.PurchId;
    in the code snippet shown, the field Name is assigned to the field PeriodName which I added to the TMP table, while the purchId is shown as blank, even though when trying debugging, the vendInvoiceJour has a recordID, and I made sure that the blank value appearing on my report has a value from querying SQL.
    Any idea?
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Vendor account statement report
    You can refer to this official document: Extend report menu items to redirect user navigation - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft LearnThis article shows how to extend existing application menu items so that, after only minimal code changes, navigations are redirected to a custom reporting solution. This article focuses on the process of extending existing application menu items so that, after only minimal code changes, navigations are redirected to a custom reporting solution. By using this technique, you will avoid the inconvenience of tracking down and replacing all references to an existing application report. Just extend an existing application menu item to redirect application navigations to reports that are defined in an extension model. The following illustration shows a typical application customization.
    Or you can also refer to this blog: dynamics365musings.comIn this article I will show you how to create menu items in D365. As well as explain many of the other useful things you can do using the menu item properties.
    Best regards,

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