Hi Experts,
Please tell me i want to update the boolean filed in cust ledger entry table if rem amount is not = 0;
IF "Remaining Amount" <> 0 THEN
"Email Alert" := TRUE;
its not working please help me
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Hi Experts,
Please tell me i want to update the boolean filed in cust ledger entry table if rem amount is not = 0;
IF "Remaining Amount" <> 0 THEN
"Email Alert" := TRUE;
its not working please help me
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Hi mohana,
now i have tried its working fine thank you so much.
Hi Renato,
I dont want to calculate remaining amount for example only i have show that code in forum, i want to update my boolean filled in customer ledger entry table using my codeunit.
Thank you
Hi mohana,
i have write this code in my customized codeunit.
customerLedgerTable."Email Alert" := TRUE;
even thought not updating in customer ledger entry.please give any solution
Thank you
because remaining amount is calculated based on Detailed Customer Ledger Entries you should first calculate with CALCFIELDS function.
Please let us know where did you write this code.
you have to modify the record after changes then please write customerledger entry.modify after making field true.
Hi Mohana,
I want to Boolean filed is true when my email is sented
SMTP.AppendBody(Text011+' '+COPYSTR(customer."No.",1,50)+','+' '+COPYSTR(customer.Name,1,50)+ ' '+Text012+FORMAT(OutstandingAmount)+Text0017);
EmailAlert := TRUE;
this my code EmailAlert is a boolean filed in customer ledger entry table.
I want to make booelan is true using cal code , i have tried this code after sending a email also its not updating as true.
Please help me in this.
Thank you
where did you write code?
make sure that remaining amount field is flow field
you have to use CALCFIELDS("Remaining Amount") before your code to calculate the field.
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