I transform my forms to pages with TransformationTools in dyanamics nav 2009 r2, But when i try to execute Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Tools.FormTransformation.exe to get pages.xml i get this error in Log file :
Error: Form 41: Can't find sub-form ID # 95
this is my Transformation Forms after import all transformation input
Id | Name | Form Type | PageType | CardForm id | CardForm id for |
41 | SalesQuotes | document | 9300 | ||
95 | SalesQuotes | Subform Worksheet | 0 | ||
9300 | SalesQuotesSubForm | List | List | 41 | 0 |
How can i solve this issus in spite of i have same information with my 42 form and i don't have error with 42 ?
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