Hello, I am new to the topic of CI and I am trying to go through the Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Foundations lab guide.
I am struggling to create a Customer attribute, as I am not able to select the different kind of measures anymore in the UI like previously:
For EXAMPLE clicking on new measure previously provided me with this selection:
Not anymore....Overall Customer Insights seems to have changed the UI on how to create Measures.
How can i Replicate this task in the new UI:
Lifetime Spend (Customer Attribute)
Total value of all purchases made for each customer.
- Click Measures on the left-hand menu
- Click New Measure in the top left-hand corner and select Customer Attribute (Be careful you don’t choose Customer Measure by mistake)
- Set the Name as LifetimeSpend
- Set Display Name as Lifetime Spend ($) and click Next
- Click + Add Entity and select eCommercePurchases : eCommerce
- Click + Add Entity and select posPurchases : PoS
Under Variables create a new variable named LTSpend and set the Expression to PoS_posPurchases.TotalPrice + eCommerce_eCommercePurchases.TotalPrice
Thanks In Advance !!