Technician goes to jobsite
They start the work timer by changing to arrived (or automagically with GPS).
When work is complete the technician makes notes on the time entry of work done, exceptions to the work (trouble they had, time spent that's not billable maybe, etc.)
Office person reviews/edits/approves time entries
Different Labor items are added to the work order from the approved time entries based on the time entry Type (ie. troubleshooting is one labor rate, installation is another, remote troubleshooting is another, etc.)
Work Order turned into Invoice...
I ASK BECAUSE it's seems Work Orders do not work this way OOB. ...but instead it's expected that technicians fill in each labor item to bill and their duration--which IMHO is not a role of a technician...not to mention Time Entry Description field is way to short for entering much info (created separate threat about that).
They just need to log the TYPE OF WORK (Time Entry Type), the start and finish times, description of the work, exceptions, etc.