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Extract GL transactions into Advanced Bank Reconciliation module

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Dynamics GP 2018 version

I finished Dec 2019 bank reconciliation for our operating account. A team member made a journal entry dated 12/31/2019 (after the rec is done). As I am trying to complete Jan 2020 bank rec, the "difference" box in the upper right of the advanced bank rec module is showing the same amount as the journal entry mentioned earlier. I tried to extract this GL entry as I normally do: Routines > Financial > Advanced Bank Reconciliation > Extract Transactions. But nothing got pulled into the adv bank rec module. 

Our year ending 12/31/2019 was closed, and the periods of Dec 2019 and Jan 2020 are closed. We re-opened Dec and Jan, trying to extract it, it didn't work.

Then I unreconciled Dec bank rec thinking maybe doing so the system will let me extract that 12/31/2019 journal entry and tried again, it didn't work. 

Can anyone offer any ideas on what I did wrong that prevented me from extracting this journal entry into the adv bank rec module? Thank you!

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Extract GL transactions into Advanced Bank Reconciliation module

    For anyone else that uses Nolan's Advanced Bank Reconciliation module. We found this solution from Nolan's manual, and it worked for us.

    How can I extract GL transactions from a historical year?

    Normally the ABR GL Extract process will only extract GL transactions from the GL Open table (GL20000) into the ABR Unreconciled GL transactions table. However, in some cases, it is necessary to extract transactions from the GL Historical Transactions table (GL30000).

    NOTE: In later releases of v6.00 ABR and all releases of v7.00 ABR, this can be accomplished as follows - Exit from Dynamics GP, edit the Dex.ini file in the Dynamics GP client directory (in GP 10 the file located inside the Data directory of your GP directory)on the workstation from which you will run the historical extract to add the line:

    HistoryExtract=TRUELog back into Dynamics GP and, when you open the ABR Extract window, you should see an extra button marked Extract From History. This button performs exactly the same function as the normal Extract button, but will work on the GL30000 table instead of the GL20000 table. The History Extract facility should be used with care, we would recommend keeping the date range of the extract as small as possible, and removing the facility once it is no longer needed by removing the appropriate line in the Dex.ini file, or changing it to:


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Extract GL transactions into Advanced Bank Reconciliation module

    Thank you.

  • Verified answer
    RE: Extract GL transactions into Advanced Bank Reconciliation module

    Hi GPGW,

    I just wanted to reach out and make sure that you were aware that Adv Bank Rec is a module from Nolan, and is not a core Dynamics GP module.

    It may be best to reach out to them if one of the members of the community is unable to assist.

    Have a great day!

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