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Customize Dynamics Timeline

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Hi there

I have a customer that wants to set organisationwide filters on the marketing interactions in the unified timeline. I found this learn article that mentions a "configuration path":

Does anybody know if there is a way to use this configuration path in order to filter for specific realtime interactions (e.g. clicks / opens,...)?

thanks and br


  • luethilu Profile Picture
    luethilu 35 on at
    RE: Customize Dynamics Timeline

    Hi Leco

    thank you for you answer. I know about the filter and save filter possibilities that individual users have. I was hoping for a more organisationwide approach with the "configuration path" for the timeline custom connector.

    br Lukas

  • luethilu Profile Picture
    luethilu 35 on at
    RE: Customize Dynamics Timeline

    Hi Miltos

    thank you for you answer. I know about the filter and save filter possibilities that individual users have. I was hoping for a more organisationwide approach with the "configuration path" for the timeline custom connector.

    br Lukas

  • Suggested answer
    Leco Lv Profile Picture
    Leco Lv on at
    RE: Customize Dynamics Timeline

    Hi partner,

    You can use filters to filter out specific types of interactions.


  • Suggested answer
    MiltosV Profile Picture
    MiltosV on at
    RE: Customize Dynamics Timeline

    Hi Lukas,

    Please see the following resource:

    You may choose and save your filter selection in the Unified Timeline.


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