RE: Dynamics & FRX don't balance
Hi Shaunda, it's likely that the Reporting Tree would need to be updated, as that is typically where Subaccounts are used in Management Reporter.
Before you make updates to the Reporting Tree, try to gather the Subaccount numbers that need to be added.
Open the report in Report Designer, go to the Tree and then open it by clicking the icon circled below:

Once you're in the Reporting Tree, determine where the new Units should be added, then you can right-click on that Row Number and insert a new Row:

Use the same logic for the Company, Unit Code and Unit Descrption that you see on existing lines. For the Dimensions in Column D, double-click on that column on the new line:

You can enter the new Subaccount values by Segment (my example has a 3-segment subaccount highlighted above).
Hit OK, then save and close the Reporting Tree, and then re-generate the report.
If you'd like, I'd be happy to give you a 15-minute walk-thru. Just send me an email.
John Joyce
Senior Applications Consultant