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Dynamics Business Central migration forum
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Invoke-NAVSanitizeField fail

Posted on by 34
Hi everyone I have been trying to run the function to sanitize the data of a BC onprem instance but I always get the same error, is there something I am missing.
The intention of all this is to migrate from onprem to online and this is one of the recommended steps to do before doing the migration.
PS C://windows//system32> $result = Invoke-NAVSanitizeField -ServerInstance BC230 -Tenant default
WARNING: UnhandledErrorMessage
Invoke-NAVSanitizeField : Retry failed after 4 tries. Retry settings can be adjusted in ClientOptions.Retry or by configuring a custom retry policy in
At line:1 char:11
+ $result = Invoke-NAVSanitizeField -ServerInstance BC230 -Tenant defau ...
+           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Invoke-NAVSanitizeField], AggregateException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.AggregateException,Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.Cmdlets.InvokeNAVSanitizeField
  • Suggested answer
    Saurav.Dhyani Profile Picture
    Saurav.Dhyani 14,613 User Group Leader on at
    Invoke-NAVSanitizeField fail
    Did you upgrade to BC230 on prem, or you implemented BC 230?
    If you have implemented, then you don't have to worry about that step. 
    Invoke-NAVSanitizeFields is only required when data is inserted from SQL (for NAV 2013 or higher).
    Pre NAV 2013 even data in application is not clean.
    In summary - 
    1. If you implemented in BC 15 or higher then skip this step.
    2. If you upgraded from NAV 2013 or higher and never inserted data from SQL then you can skip this step.
    3. If you upgraded from NAV 2009 or before then step is mandatory.
    Hope it helps.
    Saurav Dhyani

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