Hi All,
As per customer requirement i made one form "POProductReceipt". This form opened from 2 locations :
1. Procruement and Sourcing
2. PO -- ALL PO -- Select any PO -- Open PO -- Then add button ( Product receipt print ).
In this form "POProductReceipt" i have used table ""POProductReceipt".
The requirement is after "POProductReceipt"print record should be deleted. So, i wrote code for delete in Form -- init() and canClose().
For this form ""POProductReceipt" i have created 2 menu items and call respectively..
**** My thinking is suppose user open the form from "Procruement and Sourcing" and insert 5 lines and in the same time some one open the same form from point no 2 ( PO...) then what will happened??
****Because i wrote for delete in Form -- init() and CanClose()
So, if the 2nd person going to open form then it will delete record from table ""POProductReceipt" and in the same time User1 is working in same form from "Procruement and Sourcing".
Shall i add userSession() with delete_POProductReceipt in where clause ?
So, i think it will restrict to delete data based on user connection. My concern is i want both user will work properly without any disturbance.
Please give me more shed on this.
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