Hi All,
I need a form with design of two grids.
In first grid (in action pane having add button).When add button clicked i need to show the sales id as lookup from sales table. After selecting saleId from lookup,
second grid i need to show the related sales line for selected sales table. In second grid, i can edit line quantity.
I can repeat this process again like selecting other salesid and so on..
I need to have one ok button , after clicking ok button the record needs to insert in two newly created table.
First grid record (sales ids ) in header table and second grid (sales line) record in line table.
How to achieve this design.
Thanks in advance.
Do you have any special character in your number sequence, not sure but it might be related. Check this thread
Hi Mohit Rampal , GirishS ,
Thanks for sharing, I created custom tables and inserted the required header and line in my main list page form. Its working fine now.
Now i need to post paking slip for all data in my main form.
I have one number sequence field in header table i need to do packing slip and invoice against that number sequence.
This is my main form.
class ITCommercialInvoicePackingSlip { public static void main(Args _args) { SalesFormLetter_PackingSlip salesFormLetter_PackingSlip; salesFormLetter salesFormLetter; salesFormletterParmData salesFormLetterParmData; SalesParmTable salesParmTable; SalesParmLine salesParmLine; salesLine salesLine, salesLineUpd; salesParmUpdate salesParmUpdate; SalesTable salestable; ITCommercialOverview iTCommercialOverview; // this is header ITCommercialInvoiceLine iTCommercialInvoiceLine; // this is line CustPackingSlipJour custPackingSlipJour; // TransDate PackingSlipDate = //str2Date(dataContract.parmPackinSlipDate(), 213); select iTCommercialOverview where iTCommercialOverview.CommercialInvoice == 'FFME-000029'; salestable= SalesTable::find(iTCommercialOverview.salesid, true); if (iTCommercialOverview && iTCommercialOverview.Status == ITCommercialInvoiceStatus::Open) { ttsbegin; salesFormLetterParmData = salesFormletterParmData::newData(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip, VersioningUpdateType::Initial); salesFormLetterParmData.parmOnlyCreateParmUpdate(true); salesFormLetterParmData.createData(false); salesParmUpdate = salesFormLetterParmData.parmParmUpdate(); salesParmTable.clear(); salesParmTable.TransDate = iTCommercialOverview.InvoiceDate; salesParmTable.Ordering = DocumentStatus::PackingSlip; salesParmTable.ParmJobStatus = ParmJobStatus::Waiting; salesParmTable.salesId = salesTable.salesId; salesParmTable.salesName = salesTable.salesName; salesParmTable.DeliveryName = salesTable.DeliveryName; salesParmTable.DeliveryPostalAddress = salesTable.DeliveryPostalAddress; salesParmTable.CustAccount = salesTable.CustAccount; salesParmTable.CurrencyCode = salesTable.CurrencyCode; salesParmTable.InvoiceAccount = salesTable.InvoiceAccount; salesParmTable.ParmId = salesParmUpdate.ParmId; salesParmTable.insert(); while select iTCommercialInvoiceLine where iTCommercialInvoiceLine.CommercialInvoice == iTCommercialOverview.CommercialInvoice { salesline = SalesLine::find(iTCommercialInvoiceLine.SalesId,iTCommercialInvoiceLine.LineNum); salesParmLine.InitFromsalesLine(salesLine); salesParmLine.DeliverNow = iTCommercialInvoiceLine.SalesQty; salesParmLine.ParmId = salesParmTable.ParmId; salesParmLine.TableRefId = salesParmTable.TableRefId; salesParmLine.LineAmount = iTCommercialInvoiceLine.LineAmount; salesParmLine.ITNetWeight = iTCommercialInvoiceLine.NetWeight; salesParmLine.setQty(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip, false, true); // salesParmLine.setLineAmount(salesLine); salesParmLine.insert(); } salesFormLetter_PackingSlip = salesFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip); salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.transDate(today()); salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.proforma(false); salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.specQty(salesUpdate::All); salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.salesTable(salesTable); salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.parmId(salesParmTable.ParmId); salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.salesParmUpdate(salesFormLetterParmData.parmParmUpdate()); salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.run(); // salesFormLetter.update(salesTable,systemDateGet(),SalesUpdate::PackingSlip,AccountOrder::None,NoYes::No, NoYes::No, NoYes::No); if (salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.parmJournalRecord().TableId == tableNum(custPackingSlipJour)) { custPackingSlipJour = salesFormLetter_PackingSlip.parmJournalRecord(); info(custPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId); custPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId = iTCommercialOverview.CommercialInvoice; info(custPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId); } ttscommit; } } }
I am checking for one record, its shoing this error,
but quantity available in inventory,
Am i missing any reference
Pls help me on this.
Thanks in advance
You should create two custom tables for Sales order headers and Lines. You can create form with two grids and have apply Custom form pattern. The Sales Id lookup field can be unbound form field but you need to enable multi select on it. Let us know if still any queries.
For Invoicing those selected sales orders, check this article
Hi PJ John paul,
For the new form also, you need to have separate table. Either you can use regular or temp table. If you use regular table delete that data once the data is inserted into newly created header and line table. It will be easy to manipulate if you use regular table.
Girish S.
Hi Bharani,
Thanks for the reply.
Yes correct. But client need a seperate form. And the want to choose sales order and in sales line grid they can edit line quantity and they try to insert the data when clicking ok button.
For inserting selected data we can create new header and line table.
But i am facing difficulties for the new form.
What data source I should keep. Because evey time they open new form for selecting sales order the form should be empty. When they click ok we need ne insert all the data present in the new form to main form.
So scenario is to pick multiple sales orders and do invoicing in a single instance right?
Is it not achievable from standard? If not, I will go in this approach.
First I will create a button in the all sales orders form which will have ability to select multiple sales orders at a time and custom class in the backend. So when you click that button, then it will directly do the invoicing for all the sales orders at a time. I think new tables and new forms are not that required here.
Hi mohit
Thanks for your reply.
My requirment is client need to invoice multiple sales order in single time.
For that i need to create two forms.
Main form - For showing all selected salesa order details. Header and line tab.
New form - when clicking new form we should keep two grids.
First grid - for selecting sales order
Second grid - for showing related order lines
In first grid action pane we have one control add. When user click add button they can choose sales order from look up.
After selecting sales order the realated sales line data should be in second grid. By this way user can add multiple sales order.
When click on ok button this data should inserted into main form header and line type.
For this how many tables I need to create and what is the data source for 2nd form. What all are the objects I need to use.
Can you give some overview.
Hi, Your requirement is not clear. I thought the requirement is having ability to select multiple Sales orders and update quantity in sales order lines.You lost me at newly created tables. What is the purpose of these tables? Please elaborate your requirement.
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