We are 3rd party software company that we integrate with customer's GP system. We have a separate eConnect service that communicates with customer GP system. So would like to know if there are any issues with "eConnect" service where if you enable the "multiple bins", it does not work until if we uncheck the multiple bins.
This is the error I see in the log file. Has anyone seen this type of error?
4/29/2020 1:53:05 PM[Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 11974 Stored Procedure= taFSServiceCallLine Error Description = Input variable (QTYSOLD) is not supported when multiple bins is enabled​
Node Identifier Parameters: taFSServiceCallLine​
CALLNBR = 99999
LNITMSEQ = 49152​
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taFSServiceCallLine​
QTYORDER = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.​
NonInventory = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.​