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Link the Country Look-up form field to Country consent requirements

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To minimize the amount of RTM forms we require on our website, some asking for consent and others not, based on current consent regulations, would it be possible to
connect the consent requirement to the country selected in the country look-up field?

If a country is selected that has a consent setting /restrictive/ this will then show the opt-in checkbox below to receive email marketing.
If a country selected is set to /non-restrictive/  then this opt-in checkbox will not be require
As i see it, there is no way to connect Compliance profiles with specific countries. 
For example, if i create a profile called Germany - with our german office address and set this to restrictive, it will require that there is an opt-in post otherwise an email will not be sent.

Our german office sends emails to about 20 countries, some that will need to be /restrictive/ but some that are /non-restrictive/ I have no way to differentiate between the two unless i create 2 compliance profiles, which means having to make many more segments to filter out leads and contact sending to address the consent level.

If consent level was as additional field connected to the Country field, this would eliminate the need to set this on the compliance profile. Compliince profiles would be like the content settings on OB. Just have address info.
This whole process would be so much easier to maintain and i would drastically reduce the need for multiple forms and web country IP personaliztion to show them.
Any ideas?
  • CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    Link the Country Look-up form field to Country consent requirements
    Hi Lance,

    I have now solved this by getting the script provided below by Dengliang working. Our forms will now show a freely-given Opt-in Topic consent checkbox to all countries that currently require consent for B2B email marketing.
    Currently i have managed to compile a list of 20 countries that require opt-in consent. Still working on the Asain country list.

    All existing contacts/leads have been loaded with an opt-in consent record. When we get a new form submission, say from USA, we have a WF that creates an Opt-in post for the specific topic. 
    If a form submission comes from a country requiring consent. If the checkbox is not checked, then it will create an "opt-out" topic post for that incoming lead. 

    We will use the "Restrictive" method globally for sending Email marketing.  This way makes managing consent easier for us internally, at the same time, it gives the recipient an easy view of wich topics they are currently subscribed to.
  • LanceP1906 Profile Picture
    LanceP1906 54 on at
    Link the Country Look-up form field to Country consent requirements
    Whew, I feel like we would need a flow diagram just to make sure we’re mapping everything out correctly. We send emails both internally and externally globally. If we can get everything mapped out and organized it would be a good start for building out the structure. Consent is already confusing so simplifying things is a plus. Even though I use RT, I still use the Do not bulk email field to block ppl out of my segments that don’t have consent. No point in having them there. The compliance profiles in your emails needs to be taken into consideration too. Lot of different variables to look at. 
  • CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    Link the Country Look-up form field to Country consent requirements
    Hey Lance, thanks for your reply.

    I need quite a profiles as being a global company we have different offices sending Emails, so we need to add address information and topics etc.

    However, I was thinking of only have just the one compliance option "Non-restrictive" when you need to add this to an Email as part of a Journey.

    Im thinking it would be easier fo us to manage this with dynamic segments that filter in/out Leads & Contacts that either require an opt-in post or an opt-out post.

    Otherwise i would need to duplicate emails and journeys just to send an email, for example to a lead in the USA (non-restrictve),  then another for Lead in Canada (restrictive). 

    Segment 1: Leads + Contacts that do not have an opt-out post.
    Segment 2: Leads + Contacts that have an opt-in post.

    From there i could then add Country/Sales areas filter...

    Would appreciate any feedback on this logic!
  • LanceP1906 Profile Picture
    LanceP1906 54 on at
    Link the Country Look-up form field to Country consent requirements
    You could make multiple compliance profiles to manage it. It just depends on how many you would need, the less the better. That way it wouldn’t matter what country as long that compliance profile was used for the email & your segments were correct. Consent is another monster. There’s a way you could do it w/o JavaScript. But it depends on how much patience you have. 
  • CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    Link the Country Look-up form field to Country consent requirements
    Hi Dengliang

    Working on it. It will take a few days.
    Thanks for this, great job by the way!
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Link the Country Look-up form field to Country consent requirements
    Has the issue been solved?
    Have there been any updates? Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions!
    If it has been resolved, can you mark the response as an answer?
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Link the Country Look-up form field to Country consent requirements
    The new JavaScript code is shown below.
    var country = document.getElementById("746b77b0-0804-4f48-8fee-98905c64671b");
    var consent = document.querySelector(".consentBlock");
    function callback(mutationsList,observer){
                    //Countries that consent settings that are non-restrictive
                case "India":
                case "Japan":
                case "Vietnam":
                    //Countries that consent settings that are restrictive
           = "none"; break;
                case "United States of America":
                case "United Kingdom":
                case "Germany":
                case "France":
                case "Italy":
           = "block"; break;
    var observerOptions = {
      childList: false,
      attributes: true,
      subtree: false,
    var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li
  • CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    Link the Country Drop-down form field to Country consent requirements

    Thanks for you answer, but i just noticed that your JS example uses the Country field as an "Option set". We only use the Country field as a "Look-up" field in all our 365 platforms.

    Could you provide a JS workaround for using the Lookup Country field?
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Link the Country Drop-down form field to Country consent requirements
    You can add custom JavaScript to the RTM form to implement two of your needs.
    There is no opt-in checkbox option if I have chosen the countries that consent to settings as non-restrictive.
    Instead, the opt-in checkbox option appears.
    When I submit this form, the consent status for this email address is Opted-In.
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me .
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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