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Grouping/Organization of Accounts (County, Vendor, etc.)

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What are my options for organizing my accounts? Is there a way to put a high-level organizer in for them?

There are accounts that we sell to, but then there are also accounts that would be vendors/partners we work with that I would want to have in our accounts as well. 

Can I then group the accounts that we only sell to by county as well? Would I just add a field in for county?

  • Suggested answer
    Joergen Profile Picture
    Joergen 455 on at
    RE: Grouping/Organization of Accounts (County, Vendor, etc.)

    Hi NateK,

    If you have a look at the Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Data Model, you will see, that not all fields are on the form by default. The County field that you have mentioned is e.g. available by default already as a Text field on Account 
    If you want to use this field to filter your data - this might be a bit tricky, as in a text field you can have different typing for the county.

    So you can either create a new table for county and add a custom lookup county to the Account form, or you can use the Autocomplete PCF on the county field and refer to the custom county table. This will reduce the number of different typing errors of county.

    For the different account types you can either create a choice or choices field (single select / or multi select) or also a custom table with a N:N relationship to accounts. This depends on your data model - if one account could be customer and vendor. Regarding the choices (multi select) field - there might be some limitations where you could use this field  - e.g. in charts or grouping it might be not available)

    In addition, if you want to group the accounts in the view by county and e.g. filter by type, you can add e.g. the editable grid to the account in the classic editor:


    - Open the classic editor
    - Navigate to Account Entity
    - Click on Information - Controls - Add control
    - Add Editable Grid control
    - Verify that Group by column is enabled
    - Save and publish the view (you can also activate the view as default by selecting the check boxes for web, phone and tablet)

    In the App you can select the editable grid view by clicking on the 3 dots in the top right and select Show as - Editable Grid

    Above the view you can group by columns that are on the current view - e.g. by county

    In addition you can also create a chart, that allows you to filter by the Account type. If you select then an Account type, the view will be filtered by type and also grouped by county.

    Hope this gives you an impression what could be possible.

    If this answer has helped you, please mark as verified.

    Best regards,


  • NateK Profile Picture
    NateK 4 on at
    RE: Grouping/Organization of Accounts (County, Vendor, etc.)

    For now, I just added a customization field to specify what type of account it is.

    I'm using Sales Enterprise.



  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Grouping/Organization of Accounts (County, Vendor, etc.)


    The concepts you mentioned do not belong to Dynamics 365 Sales.

    Would you please specify which application you are using in Dynamics?

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