I am using Navision 2013 and the sub-cheque-stub format - however our Company address is printing on our pre-printed cheques...how do I suppress or remove this?? Thx
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I am using Navision 2013 and the sub-cheque-stub format - however our Company address is printing on our pre-printed cheques...how do I suppress or remove this?? Thx
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Go to the report 1401 -> Design -> View -> Layout. This opens the report in visual studio layout. Now you need to locate the textbox which is printing the address -> select the textbox-> right click-> textbox properties-> visibility-> hide
How do you actually do that?
How does one actually hide the text?
As mentioned by others, you need modify the report and set the Visibility property of the respective Textbox to Hide.
If you are using the standard check report i.e. report id 1401 then you need to edit this report design and go to the textbox properties where the company address is displayed and hide it.
Open the report in layout and hide these text boxes using visibility property
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