When users trying to add VAT numbers to the Customer account set up for reference, the field doesn't accept entries typed straight into it. If you manually enter something, you get a message saying that 'the value xxxxxxxxxxx in field VAT number is not found in the related table 'VAT number table'.
If you right click the box and 'view details' you get a blank drop down list in which you can add a line, but it asks again for Country / customer name / and VAT number which concerns me as Country and name are already set up elsewhere.
Is there something wrong with the set up of this field, or do I need to change the parameters?
Also I found the parameter that states VAT number required for EU country customers but this doesn't seem to work as I can still set up a new customer without it asking.
We don't do any EC sales lists, its just for recording the VAT number for future reference for foreign customers.
Any ideas?