i have a funny thing regarding security in AX2012R2.
Take the std. MS Role : Accounts receivable Clerk
and add it to a user.
this role has "CustTableListPage" "view" access
When the user opens "CustTableListPage"
(PA1/Accounts receivable/Common/Customers/All customers )
The "Edit" and "Edit in grid" Options in Maintain are not there (as it should be for view), but the "delete" is there.. and it seems to work..
-> strange if it should be view Access..
if the user double clicks a vendor .. and has the Details .. the "delete" Option is deactivatet..
any good explanations on this? or how can i set that "view" means view for real?
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Hi Arnaud,
Thanks for your contribution.
Note that there is a general problem in AX 2012 with the security. When a table is used on a datasource the maximum permissions for the table on any form are used within the role. So if you have only view rights on the customer master data, but you are able to start another form in full access mode where also the CustTable is used, this is causing the full access on this role. This is in most cases caused by newly added localizations and customizations.
The role Accounts receivable clerk has standard only Inquire into customer master duty, but due to another form the table is now set to full access in stead of view rights. When you only change the property like you mentioned, the user is still able to update all other fields which should not be allowed within the Inquire into customer master duty (View rights).
For some scenarios it is a good solution to change the needed Permission property, but in this case to be sure there is only view rights I prefer using the override permissions for this table. The list page is usually read only, but the details form not.
This point is true for all main listpages, custtablelistpage, vedntablelistpage, organisation etc.
I will say that it's not very important because if there is one transaction on the customer (invoice, salesorder in salestable etc.) or on the vendor (purchorder in purchtable etc.) the user will not be able to delete the customer or the vendor etc. whereas he has the delete button.
But when one of my customer doesn't want to accept that I just go on the form to change the NeededPermission property of the CommandButton CmdbtnDelete from None to Delete.
This action put this button in the permission group "Delete" only so each user that will open the Listpage with a security role that havve access to menuitem CustTableListpage with an access level under "Delete" will not have the button.
You should do it for CustableListPage too
You can do the same for the form VendTable, VendTableListpage, etc.
I think it's proper than to override permission on the table because the user will not see the button at all whereas if you do it on the table the button will be here but grayed when disable.
example :
Hi Pirmin,
If you open the standard Security Roles Form, you can open the 'Override permissions' to see the access levels of the tables.
If you select the 'Accounts receivable clerk' and open this form, you will notice that the CustTable has 'Full control'. This is causing the Delete button available on the list page.
The edit buttons are maintained within the duty 'Inquire into customer master' and 'Maintain customer master'. As view rights is too less for the menu-item 'Edit', it will not show up with the standard role. You can double click to view the customer details. A 'View' button is missing in my opinion.
Now the question what causes the Delete rights and how to solve. It is caused by another form where the CustTable is set to 'Delete' and a menu item is opening the form with full control. You can explore from the AOT (Data dictionary, Tables CustTable) which security roles this table is included with the permissions. I have not looked into the details, but I can recall a BR localization.
Within the Override permissions, you can lower the level for this table to solve the problem for this moment.
I think you can consider this as a minor bug.
Right click - "Discover submenu items". on "All customers" and then "Discover submenu items" on"Edit in grid". Took a quick look, and it seems like it cound be something there.
yes i have installed that .. an in the security tool it is shown read only ...
and i cant see a delete button security or so ..
Do you have the Security Development Tool installed in your environment?
If so, its way easier to see what kind of permissions each role has.
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