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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

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Is there any way to put to create quote for non released product? Sometimes the client want to buy something that company donesn't have yet.

Usually it was solved by adding fake item to the quote and put relevant information to the description.

It is not sutiable.

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  • Sohaib Cheema Profile Picture
    Sohaib Cheema 46,614 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    yes you are right If you want to sale Item/product, it should be inventory,

    otherwise category can be used

  • Ela Nagorska Profile Picture
    Ela Nagorska 525 on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    I meant that the right item should be sold not sales category, so first I have to create it.

    That is why it cannot be just converted

  • Sohaib Cheema Profile Picture
    Sohaib Cheema 46,614 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    "Of course if there is sales category in a quote - the quote cannot be converted to sales order - it should be created manually."

    This is wrong. what you said in your previous post. you can convert a quotation to sales orders with sales category

  • Ela Nagorska Profile Picture
    Ela Nagorska 525 on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    A customer wants to buy something that will be created for him and then it he decided to buy it: the item will be created (e.g. BOM) and sales order will be created.

    Of course if there is sales category in a quote - the quote cannot be converted to sales order - it should be created manually.

    I think it could be good if we could create a quote for non released products. And than when clients accept the offer product would be automatically released.

    Neverthelles for now the solution with sales category is ok.


  • Ela Nagorska Profile Picture
    Ela Nagorska 525 on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    Yes, Sales category will be good. Thanks

  • Verified answer
    Sohaib Cheema Profile Picture
    Sohaib Cheema 46,614 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    It also depends upon if you want to track your inventory or not. You have stated above the following line.

    “Sometimes the client wants to buy something that company doesn’t have yet.”

    Now the point is, when you will purchase it, how you will purchase it?? With Item number or Purchase Category??? Then you want to track it in inventory or not?

    So all depends upon requirement of your organization.  Using 1 fake item, can work here or not, depends upon your organization

  • Verified answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,516 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    Hi Ela,

    You have to release a product if you need to use the item number. A manual workaround is possible, but the suggested customization by Sohaib will be smoother.

    As a workaround you can quote on a fake item like you stated yourself or use a Sales category and provide all info in the description field.

  • Ela Nagorska Profile Picture
    Ela Nagorska 525 on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    Ok, you can always provide new functionality by developing it however I would like to avoid it.

    Thanks for the response

  • Verified answer
    Sohaib Cheema Profile Picture
    Sohaib Cheema 46,614 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Ax 2012 quotation for non existing item

    One of our clients had exactly same requirement. And they went for solution “Item on the Fly”.

    Item on the fly is not available in AX. It is available in EPICOR. We developed it in AX as well.

    The concept is that at Sales Quotation, item will not be selected. Instead, as user will click New Line, a line will be inserted to Sales Quotation with Sales Category, user will enter everything (Item description and all things related to product in customized fields). After Quotation will be Confirmed, these lines will create Item and will release item, before these are inserted in SO. So in related SO, the released product will go. If quotation is rejected item will not be created in AX.

    On sales quotation we provided Search where user can search item in the inventory. If item is available, it is inserted to sales quotation line; else a line is created with Sales category, which is later converted to Relapsed product, if customer accepts my quotation

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