I'm unable to change the size of my wizard forms. I've followed the guidance in "Creating Resizable Forms [AX 2012]": https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa884066.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
I've read about setting the width and height properties for all nodes to "column width/height" (done for the Design node, Tab, tab pages, groups, all controls) but after doing this for all controls, the height is always the default Wizard height. The width will expand if there is a long text string but not the height. I've also tried changing the height property to a fixed pixel value, this extends the wizard frame size but the height of the contents isn't affected, the extra height is all below the Next/Back/Finish buttons.
Q: What other things can I try to change the height of the wizard? I'm using AX 2012 R2 so I don't have access to the new size properties.
I'm also unable to enable resizing, despite setting the EnableResize property on my wizards.
Q: Is there anything else I can try?
I'm also unable to maximize my wizards (probably related).
Thanks guys, my boss is stuck as well.