Hey guys!
I created an SQL Statement in x++:
select ItemId, DataAreaId, sum(Qty) from reqTrans join reqPlanVersion join inventTable join Name from ecoResProductTranslation join InventLocationId from inventDim join InventLocationId from inventDim group by reqTrans.ItemId, reqTrans.dataAreaId, ecoResProductTranslation.Name, inventDim.InventLocationId where reqTrans.PlanVersion == reqPlanVersion.RecId && (reqPlanVersion.ReqPlanId == 'Statisch' || reqPlanVersion.ReqPlanId == 'Static') && reqPlanVersion.ReqPlanDataAreaId == reqTrans.dataAreaId && reqPlanVersion.Partition == reqTrans.Partition && reqTrans.ItemId == inventTable.ItemId && !(inventTable.ItemId like '300.___.___') && !(inventTable.ItemId like '900.___.___') && inventTable.PmfProductType == 0 && inventTable.dataAreaId == reqTrans.dataAreaId && inventTable.Partition == reqTrans.Partition && inventTable.Product == ecoResProductTranslation.Product && inventTable.Partition == ecoResProductTranslation.Partition && reqTrans.CovInventDimId == inventDim.inventDimId && reqTrans.dataAreaId == inventDim.dataAreaId && reqTrans.Partition == inventDim.Partition && reqTrans.RefType == 10 || reqTrans.RefType == 12 || reqTrans.RefType == 14 || reqTrans.RefType == 21 || reqTrans.RefType == 32;
This Statement can not execute in an finit time. I tried it and after 2 Hours it was still working.
Without the "Group by", the whole Thing only lasts for 10 seconds. Whats the Problem here?
If I execute the whole Thing, with the Group by, on the SQL Server itself in the MS Management Studio, it takes only 1 second.
There cannot be such a big difference in time.
I hope that someone can help me with my Problem.
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