I need to filter bookings (already scheduled bookings) on a custom schedule board tab.
The requirement is as follows:
- Resources work on several 'projects' (cusstom table) at the same time.
- Work orders and bookings are related to projects through a lookup field, and each project has a manager (not through a field, just in real life). Each project manager needs to be able to have a custom schedule board to show there only the bookings of certain project, for example, using a bookable resource booking view that filters bookings that are filtered to 'Project '0001', and none other booking.
- If the resources displayed on this custom schedule board has other bookings related to other projects, those bookings should not appear on this tab. (We have other tabs where all bookings are displayed and available time is managed by other people)
- Use permissions on bookings to deny access is not possible, users should be able to see other project bookings if they switch to another schedule board tab, even if those bookings are booked to the same resources.
Note: I saw other topics where people ask the same question, but question is misunderstood and people reply how to filter RESOURCES on schedule board, but on this case the requirement is filter BOOKABLE RESOURCE BOOKINGS thare are booked for the same resource.
Thank you very much.