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How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

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I want to investigate some value when inserted into a standard table. How is the efficient way to do it ?

I just create a CoC on the table and add the Insert and Write and put breakpoint into that method, but it doesn't stop.

This is the code looks like : 

final class My_TableRevRecDeferredLine_Extension
    public void insert()
         next insert();

    public void write()
        next Write();


The process in question is Revenue Recognition Schedule, which the table (if I'm not mistaken by looking into the form) is RevRecDeferredLine, so that is my CoC. Also worth to mentioned, this table I believe it is inserted after Sales Order Invoiced, so the debug is started when I'm doing Generate Invoice, but as mentioned, it doesn;t stop at my CoC


  • Suggested answer
    Deepak Agarwal Profile Picture
    Deepak Agarwal 8,566 on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    In case you are struggling to enable debugger, you can checkout below post,

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,962 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    I mean "Build cross reference data". The only reason why I called it "Update cross references" was that I didn't remember the exact wording.

    "Build reference packages" isn't needed. You can select the package you want to build by ticking the box beside each package name in "Full build" dialog.

  • VoltesDev Profile Picture
    VoltesDev on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    Hi Martin,

    So what is actually "update cross reference" ? As what I know is we have check box for "Build reference packages", also we have "Build cross reference data". And we have "Update model parameters", but this is to update the package dependent which is another thing.


  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,962 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    Defining what packages your package depends on and defining what you want to build are two independent things.

    The answer to your question (I only need to check my Model "FSGAddress", that's it, right ?) depends on what you want to achieve. For example, if you want to update cross references in GeneralLedger module, compiling FSGAddress (only) won't do the job.

  • VoltesDev Profile Picture
    VoltesDev on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    No, I'm sorry that is only an example.

    But I probably mistaken on how I'm doing my Build. From what I understand, isn't that we need to specify what packages related to our own model in this Update Model Parameters ? So for example my model is FSGAddress, then I will go to Update Model Parameters to check whatever packages that relates and used, which of course the usual Application Common, Foundation, Suited, General Ledger, etc.. So in this case in my model using Revenue Recognition, so I also checked that.

    Then during Full Build, I only need to check my Model "FSGAddress", that's it, right ?


  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,962 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    Please look at your previous sceenshot. The "Full build" dialog allows you to select package you want to build and you've selected just one: FSGAddress. If you want to build another, such as GeneralLedger, tick its checkbox too.

    Your last screenshot about the configution which packages your package depends on and objects from which packages you can use in your code.

  • VoltesDev Profile Picture
    VoltesDev on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    Hi Martin,

    Do you mean the packages in Model Parameters ? As this classes in questioned are from Revenue Recognition module, I have selected it.


    Is there any other place I should check ?


  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,962 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    "Build referenced packages" has nothing to do with enabling an update of cross references. It says whether packages related to your module should be build too.

    You said you always used "Build cross reference data", but you probably build just your package and not the packages you actually needed cross references for.

  • VoltesDev Profile Picture
    VoltesDev on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    Hi Martin,

    I'm just trying to understand more on your suggestion. So the "Update cross references" is it the one in front of Build Dialog ?


    So, it is not the one at the Options -> Build cross reference data ? Because I always check this one every time doing Full Build.

    But anyway yesterday I checked the Build reference packages, as I suspected, it is taking very long time to complete, but the result is correct, the result of Find reference is with the standard classes. And now I can see the classes that Girish suggest me to check.


  • GirishS Profile Picture
    GirishS 27,821 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: How to correctly and efficiently debug inserted value of a table ?

    If the symbols have been loaded properly the debugger point will be highlighted - If it's not loaded, you will get some warning like symbol - where you place the debugger.

    Refer to the class "RevRecCustPostInvoiceDeferredNew" >> createDeferredLines and createDeferredLinesForInvoice - This are the methods which inserts record into "RevRecDeferredLine" table. Put the debug point in the above methods and check.


    Girish S.

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