We have a problem when we use the post & print command in Purchase Invoice in NAV 2009 RTC, two copies of Invoice were generated? the Second printout copy has "Invoice-Copy" header. Thanks in advance for any reply.
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We have a problem when we use the post & print command in Purchase Invoice in NAV 2009 RTC, two copies of Invoice were generated? the Second printout copy has "Invoice-Copy" header. Thanks in advance for any reply.
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We probably would need more information then in a full support case. I would suggest at this point to open a regular support case so that we can try to recreate the issue based on differerent steps from you and try to debug what else could be going wrong. Before doing that one thing to try is with the above instructions is to go ahead and on the historical document change the value to say 4 and print a historical document. You should get 1 original and 4 copies. Then go back to the historical document and change it to 0, and print it, making sure you only get 1 original. Then try your Invoice again on Post and Print. If that does not work, you could try to clear the personalization store information as that is what stores those values for a User. The only other thing I can think of is that you are not using the exact Report 10121 and are using a different Report on Post and Print. Go to Departments>Purchase>Order Processing>Report Selection Purchase and select "Invoice" in the dropdown for Usage: and see if there is a specific Report listed that is different then 10121.
As I followed your instructions, Number of Copies Option was set to 0 but still same with results.
Thank You very much for your prompt response.
I was able to recreate this scenario after some more testing. Here is what is happening. During a Post and Print you do NOT get the option of the No. of Copies as mentioned above, so you need to go to Departements>Purchase>Order Processing>Documents>Purchase - Invoice. Once you are in this window which allows to print historical invoices, you need to look at the Number of Copies option. Make sure it is set to 0 in this Page. The other way to get to the same Page is through Departments>Purchase>History>Posted Purchase Invoice, select any invoice and Print, it will also open up that Page. If you print a document from this Page, the No. of Copies is also saved. No matter which of the above two options you use, the No. of Copies is saved and that value is used when doing a Post and Print from Purchase Invoice. The exact same behavior will be found in the Sales area. So if you often use the above two Pages to print historical Invoices, that value can keep changing, so you need to check that. If you want a permanent solution, you can make sure that No. of Copies is set to 0, and then go into the Classic Client ( you will need Development rights here) and go to the Object Designer. Select Report and then select Report 10121 (unless you use a different default, then select the report you use but 10121 is the default). Click Design to Design the report. Now Click View>Request Page. Click on the first Empty line at the bottom of that Page, and now Click View>Properties. In the Properties Page that opens up, you will see a Property called "SaveValues" which is set to Yes. If you change that to No, and the close and make sure to select Yes to Save and Compile as you close out the Pages, you will not not have to worry about the No. of Copies changing, as it will always stay 0 (as long as it was set to that when you did the above steps). This just means that if you ever print a Historical Invoice, that if you want multiple copies you need to click on the Options tab and select the No. of Copies to print. This is all due to that fact that the Post and Print doesn't pop up the Request Page, but it still uses the Values last entered on the Request Page for that Report. If you also use the Classic Client, you would do the exact same steps as above, but select the Request Form instead of Request Page as the Classic reports use a Request Form and the RTC uses the Request Page. I hope this helps out. Let me know if any issues.
I'm sorry, but that's as far as I can help. Good luck.
Hi Veronika,
As I checked, 'No. of Copies' was already set by default at 0 but still same thing happened when we do Post & Print in Purchase Invoice.
Hi Nick,
We don't have any customizations done on Post and Print Process also with Report 10121.
When you print from R2, your 'No. of Copies' has to be 0. (it really means no of copies, not number of prints). If you don't get the NAV print window to choose 'No. of Copies' when you print Purchase Invoice, print something else in NAV and make sure that you change your 'No. of Copies' to zero. Go back to Purchase Invoices and try again.
This does not appear to be default behavior of the printing of the Purchase Invoice in the RTC, are you sure you do not have any customizations to the Print and Post process or to Report 10121?
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