Hi Kevin,
For Direct query, am I right to say we need to connect to production server ? Means this will not applicable unless we embed PowerBI report in F&O dashboard workspace ? or again, we should use OData connection for its data source, while actually this is not recommended and is slow ?
For Import, may I know where to import in relate to the current F&O architecture? Is it by some particular PowerBI report that already we can access, then download that report, which I supposed it is already contain the data inside the file (if my understanding is correct by the meaning of Import). Then he/she just play around with that downloaded PowerBI report solely in their laptop.
Datalake and Synapse Link, I see this is the future, but means there is more resource and investment needed. and do we able to embed the report in F&O Dashboard since it will need to access Datalake, not like previously, connect to the same SQL server the AxDW, which contain entity store ? or need to embed by connect to PowerBI.com first then attach the report ? Does it mean users that need to view this report, need Power BI license ? (can they have free license only, just to get the report from PowerBI.com and attach it in their F&O workspace ?)
But Synapse Link also a new think which I'm not sure it is stable already or not,
CDS, am I right to say that CDS that you're referring to is same as Synapse Link since the full name is Synapse Link to Dataverse (CDS), Only whether we want to use data from inside Dataverse or from Data lake as its final destination (for the data)
And what about that new "family" named Fabric ? where and how this can be utilize in relate to PowerBI report.
I'm sorry if too much question, but my knowledge of this is very much in pieces, also since the growth and changes on this data integration and analytics which then later for the use of PowerBI, is quite vast.
Hope I can get enlightenment from here.