Hi Drew,
You could try creating a dedicated work hours template that includes weekends.
It is possible to have different types of work hours templates - resource-specific, project-specific and booking-specific.
You could try something along the lines of creating a booking-specific work hours template for travel.
This is how I can see these used:
Consider how BASE resource's work hours are linked to work hours in a work hours template
The resource has to be re-selected on the template. Simply changing the resource's hours will not be automatically reflected on the template
Create RESOURCE work hours templates
One for each organisational unit/time zone
Time zone (double check on the resource, set correct one on the template, temporarily change in personal settings for the logged-on user to check all is fine)
Observe business closures
Create additional RESOURCE work hours templates if required
Some additional templates might be needed for interns, part-timers and/or night shifts
Add RESOURCE work hours templates to resources
'Set calendar' on the grid with resources'
Update work hours for particular resources if required
Some people who do 3 or 4 days per week may require that their individual work hours are adjusted
Be careful when you update work hours of the user used for the template.
Business closures (because they are global, you might consider using time off on work hours templates instead)
Specify hours (9-5 etc.) to avoid time zone issues One set of closures for all organisational units.
Another option is to set up one project for national holidays per organisational unit and track holidays there - this will skew utlisation calculations though.
Add time off for particular users in their work hours
Resource's capacity takes into account: work hours (template/individual), business closures (global) and time off (individual).
It may make sense to create PROJECT work hour templates to be used by projects
(e.g. client wants us not to work between 15 Dec and 5 Jan and not work on Swedish national holidays)
It may make sense to create REQUIREMENT/ BOOKING work hour templates to be used by requirements/bookings
(e.g. to ensure that resources are only booked up to 90% capacity to leave time for training etc.).
Add default work hours template to parameter
Delete redundant work hours templates
I hope this helps.