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Power Bi report to Dynamics 365 Dashboard

Posted on by 5


When embbeded Power Bi report to CRM using dynamics 365 dashboard thriugh an i frame the report not displays. 

Is there any suggestions why this report not loading? Is it due to any permissions issue from power bi workspace or any settings to enable in CRM?

I followed the following article.



  • CU30061305-0 Profile Picture
    CU30061305-0 2 on at
    Power Bi report to Dynamics 365 Dashboard
    Here are some potential reasons why your Power BI report might not display in Dynamics 365 CRM:
    1. Permissions: Ensure the user has at least "Viewer" permissions in the Power BI workspace.
    2. Embed Settings: Confirm the report allows embedding in its settings.
    3. Integration Settings: Check that Power BI is enabled and properly configured in Dynamics 365.
    4. Browser Issues: Clear the browser cache or try a different browser.
    5. IFrame Restrictions: Ensure the URL of the Power BI report is allowed in Dynamics 365.
    6. Dashboard Configuration: Verify the dashboard is set up correctly for embedding the report.
    7. Network Settings: Ensure network or firewall settings are not blocking the connection.
    8. License: Make sure the user has a Power BI Pro license if required.
    Check these areas to resolve the issue.
  • SachIK Profile Picture
    SachIK 5 on at
    RE: Power Bi report to Dynamics 365 Dashboard

    Hi, Yes, One thing different here is I use dynamics 365 dashboard not power bi as per the my screenshot. Did you get that? I didnt get any error however report not displays.


  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Power Bi report to Dynamics 365 Dashboard


    Did you also refer to all steps in the blog I provided to test it? 


  • SachIK Profile Picture
    SachIK 5 on at
    RE: Power Bi report to Dynamics 365 Dashboard

    Hi, Its enabled already, However its not working.

  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Power Bi report to Dynamics 365 Dashboard


    Have any updates?

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Power Bi report to Dynamics 365 Dashboard

    Hi SachIK,

    Log into the Dynamics 365 website, navigate to Settings > Administration > System Settings > Reporting tab, and under Set whether users can embed Power Bi visuals > Allow Power BI visualization Embedding, select Yes and click OK.


    Please refer to the following blog for more details: 

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