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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

How to create sales order workflow

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi all,

Does any body know how to create a workflow for sales orders in AX 2012 ? 

I need your help please.


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  • Suggested answer
    Adineh Negahdari Profile Picture
    Adineh Negahdari 807 on at
    RE: How to create sales order workflow


    Check these links:;MSPPError=-2147217396;MSPPError=-2147217396

  • Kar_Gilson Profile Picture
    Kar_Gilson 410 on at
    RE: How to create sales order workflow

    How would you use order hold codes please?

  • Suggested answer
    Adineh Negahdari Profile Picture
    Adineh Negahdari 807 on at
    RE: Sales order workflow in AX 2012 R2


    this is an old post, But someone may need it.

    there is no workflow on Sale Order form.

    if any type of controlling is required there are different options rather that customization.

    1. If one Step approval is required, creating a Quotation by the sales clerk and confirming it by the sales supervisor.

    2. If one Step approval is required, creating a journal instead of order by the sales clerk and changing that to order by the sales supervisor.

    3. If Multi Step Approval is required, use Order hold codes.

    Ese, you need to customize the workflow.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Sales order workflow in AX 2012 R2

    Adding the Workflow to a Menu

    Perform the following steps to configure a menu item for the workflow created in earlier steps:

    1. Open the AOT.
    2. Expand the Menu Items node.
    3. Right click Display > New Menu item.
    4. Right click and select Properties.
    5. Set the Name to WorkflowConfigurationSales.
    6. Set the Label to Sales workflows.
    7. Set the Object to WorkflowTableListPage.
    8. Set the EnumTypeParameter to ModuleAxapta.
    9. Set the EnumParameter to SalesOrder.
    10. Right click on the menu item and select Open new window.
    11. Expand the Menus node in the AOT.
    12. Expand the SalesAndMarketing folder.
    13. Expand Setup.
    14. Select the the Menu item that you opened in the other window.
    15. Drag the menu item below the sales and marketing parameters.
    16. In the property sheet for the new node in the menu, set the property IsDisplayedInContentArea to Yes.
    17. Save your changes to the menu.
    18. Menu item changes only take effect after AX has been exited. Exit Dynamics AX and log back to see the changes.

    Implementing a Workflow

    Perform the following steps to configure a workflow on the workflow editor canvas:

    1. In the application workspace, select Sales and Marketing > Setup > Sales workflows.
    2. Click New.
    3. Select SalesCreditLimitApprType and click Create workflow. The workflow editor canvas window opens.
    4. Drag SalesCLApprovalApproval approval from the Workflow elements > Approvals window to the Workflow editor canvas.
    5. Configuring-Workflow-1
    6. Drag the bottom node of the Start box to the top node of the Approval box.
    7. Drag the bottom node of the Approval box to the top node of the End box.
    8. Configuring-Workflow-2
    9. Double click on the SalesCLApprovalApproval1 icon.
    10. Click Step 1.
    11. Right click > Properties.
    12. On Basic Settings enter a subject and instructions for the approval
    13. Click Assignment.
    14. On the Assignment type tab, select User
    15. On the User tab, double click on Sammy to select him as the user.
    16. Click on Close
    17. Optionally, define submission instructions.
    18. You must clear any errors if they occur for this process will not work without an active workflow.
    19. Click on Save and Close.
    20. Enter some version notes for the new workflow if you wish.
    21. Click OK.
    22. Select Activate the new version.
    23. Configuring-Workflow-3
    24. Click Okay.
    25. Configuring-Workflow-4
    26. Ensure that the workflow is set to default. If not, click the Set as Default button in the Manage group of the Action pane.

    Testing the Workflow

    Perform the following steps to test the workflow by setting a credit limit and creating a sales order:

      1. In the application workspace, navigate to Accounts receivable > Common > Customers >All customers.
      2. Select a customer and click Edit.
      3. In the Credit and collections FastTab, set a credit limit for $100.
      4. Close the Customers form.
      5. If challenged by a recalculate limit, click OK.
      6. Go to Sales and Marketing > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders.
      7. Click New sales order.
      8. Enter the customer account that you modified the credit limit for.
      9. Optionally, set the Sales origin to match the region of the company selected.
      10. Click OK.
      11. Enter items and quantities in the sales lines so that the balance of the customer plus the total amount on the lines is greater than the credit limit.
      12. This example displays an order with 4 LCD Monitors (Item #1000) at $450/each for Size 01 and Site 1.
      13. Configuring-Workflow-5
      14. The yellow workflow Submit button and dialog displays.
      15. Click the Submit button and enter a comment.
      16. Wait for the batch job to process the workflow request. This should take one to two minutes.
      17. Select Actions > History. Notice that the document is waiting for approval by the person who was assigned to approve it.
      18. Exit Dynamics AX.
      19. Select one of the following two options to login as Sammy:

    o Login to windows as the Sammy using the Switch User option on the Start menu.

    o Right click on Microsoft Dynamics AX client and hold the shift key and Right click the launch icon to login as Sammy.

    1. Open the Sales order form.
    2. Click the workflow Actions button and select Approve.
    3. Wait one to two minutes for the workflow engine to process the approval.
    4. The workflow is approved.
  • Suggested answer
    Mallika Roy Profile Picture
    Mallika Roy 552 on at
    RE: Sales order workflow in AX 2012 R2


    There is no standard workflow for sales order. You need to create a new custom workflow for that. Do you want to know steps for creating custom workflow?

  • Jonathan  Halland Profile Picture
    Jonathan Halland 11,306 on at
    RE: Sales order workflow in AX 2012 R2

    Hi Razan.

    Can you explain what you are wanting to do. I dont believe there are any out of the box workflows for Sales Orders in AX2012. You would need to build one from scratch for your specific scenario

    Kind Regards


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