We are in the upgrade to version 10.0.38 and we have a strange case.
Certain features that were enabled in version 10.0.34 do not appear in this version. For example, the Non deductible % field in Posted sales tax feature is mandatory since 02/06/2022, we have active in the current version and doesnt appear in the version 10.0.38 environment.
Is this correct, this behaviour or is an error generated in the creation of the environment?
Hi, As Andre said, with the version upgrade, some features in the feature management area have been enabled by default without having to manually enable them in the feature management. Best Regards, Hana
During major updates (April and October), Microsoft is indeed cleaning up features from feature management when they were already marked as mandatory before. It has no use to have them in the list as they are not configurable any more. This is to keep the list actual. The functionality itself is not removed, that is now part of the standard without an enablement option via feature management.
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