Client is having a random issue when entering/saving a Manual Check batch as an Electronic Payment and printing a Quick Check. They are on SL2018 CU2.
Due to segregation of duties, the Manual Check batch is created & processed in separate steps by separate users. Here’s what they do:
- Voucher is entered & saved by AP Clerk1;
- Manual Check Batch created by AP Clerk2;
- Choose the Vendor Id;
- Enter the Check Number;
- Enter the Check Amount and Batch Total Amount;
- Choose EP for the Doc Type;
- Choose applicable Voucher(s) to apply to Payment;
- Leave “Quick Check” option at “No”;
- Save Batch on HOLD status;
- Take screen-shot of Batch and provide to Controller;
- Controller opens Batch, changes “Quick Check” option to “Yes”;
- Batch Status immediately changes to Release Now, automatically;
- Batch is saved and Batch Status then changes to Release Later, automatically;
- Controller “prints” the Quick Check to a PDF file;
- Controller confirms the PDF file is created and chooses to “Keep/Release” the Batch;
- Controller keeps the Manual Check Entry screen open and continues the same process for any other Electronic Payment/Manual Checks that are on HOLD;
What’s been happening, randomly, is that the Manual Check Batch Status goes to “C”ompleted, and the AP DocType for the check become a Stub Check. The Stub Check has a Released status in SQL, but there are no related APTran or GLTran records. What I end up doing is deleting the Stub Check and updating the Batch Status to Void using SQL.
We tried to re-create the issue using the steps above, but couldn’t intentionally break the system. We are wondering if the Controller’s Internet/VPN connection is weak and she is temporarily losing connection when releasing batches.
Wondering if anyone has seen this previously?