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Quirky AP Manual Check issue in SL18 CU2

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Client is having a random issue when entering/saving a Manual Check batch as an Electronic Payment and printing a Quick Check. They are on SL2018 CU2.

Due to segregation of duties, the Manual Check batch is created & processed in separate steps by separate users. Here’s what they do:


  1. Voucher is entered & saved by AP Clerk1;
  2. Manual Check Batch created by AP Clerk2;
    1. Choose the Vendor Id;
    2. Enter the Check Number;
    3. Enter the Check Amount and Batch Total Amount;
    4. Choose EP for the Doc Type;
    5. Choose applicable Voucher(s) to apply to Payment;
    6. Leave “Quick Check” option at “No”;
    7. Save Batch on HOLD status;
    8. Take screen-shot of Batch and provide to Controller;
  3. Controller opens Batch, changes “Quick Check” option to “Yes”;
  4. Batch Status immediately changes to Release Now, automatically;
  5. Batch is saved and Batch Status then changes to Release Later, automatically;
  6. Controller “prints” the Quick Check to a PDF file;
  7. Controller confirms the PDF file is created and chooses to “Keep/Release” the Batch;
  8. Controller keeps the Manual Check Entry screen open and continues the same process for any other Electronic Payment/Manual Checks that are on HOLD;


What’s been happening, randomly, is that the Manual Check Batch Status goes to “C”ompleted, and the AP DocType for the check become a Stub Check. The Stub Check has a Released status in SQL, but there are no related APTran or GLTran records. What I end up doing is deleting the Stub Check and updating the Batch Status to Void using SQL.

We tried to re-create the issue using the steps above, but couldn’t intentionally break the system. We are wondering if the Controller’s Internet/VPN connection is weak and she is temporarily losing connection when releasing batches.

Wondering if anyone has seen this previously?



  • CFROTON Profile Picture
    CFROTON 4,710 on at
    RE: Quirky AP Manual Check issue in SL18 CU2

    Dear John,

    Its Jana I did find another bug regarding the users access to the release batches screen. If they didn't have full access the batch went to completed.  Now I would assume it would use the rights of the user processing the screen and not the user that created the batch. You could check those rights for both users. Its weird because they can't reproduce it every time .

    Best Regards,

    Jana MacDonald

  • John_Joyce Profile Picture
    John_Joyce 1,040 on at
    RE: Quirky AP Manual Check issue in SL18 CU2

    Also, the client is only using a 6-digit check number. :-(

  • John_Joyce Profile Picture
    John_Joyce 1,040 on at
    RE: Quirky AP Manual Check issue in SL18 CU2

    Thanks Carolyn (or is it Jana?). Does this mean it's a known issue, but there's no resolution/work-around?

  • CFROTON Profile Picture
    CFROTON 4,710 on at
    RE: Quirky AP Manual Check issue in SL18 CU2

    Hello John,

    I found this bug reported

    37905 SC doctype when an HC/EP is entered with a check number greater then six digits in Manual Check/Payment entry as a Quick Check

    I also noted in cu3 the status always stays at Release Later, the keep screen updates the status to Unposted.

    Let me know if the bug pertains.

    Best Regards,

    Jana MacDonald

    MS Dynamics Support

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