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How can i assign dynamics 365 license to a stub user in dynamics 365 online instance , both from UI and programatically using Web apis?

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Is it possible to assign a dynamics 365 license to stub user ? if so how ?

  • KunalMurarka Profile Picture
    KunalMurarka 5 on at
    RE: How can i assign dynamics 365 license to a stub user in dynamics 365 online instance , both from UI and programatically using Web apis?

    Once we assign a license to an user account for which email address would match with the value in the field "internalemailaddress" of system user entity, stub user will act as a normal D365 licensed user.

  • Suggested answer
    Yiming  Profile Picture
    Yiming on at
    RE: How can i assign dynamics 365 license to a stub user in dynamics 365 online instance , both from UI and programatically using Web apis?




    As there is no stub user in my OOB, cannot test it. Searched online for this issue, but found two totally different answers.


     According to this article:

    ' Stub user can’t be logged into the system unless CRM license is assigned. While assigning a CRM license, email address in the Active Directory should match the User Name field in system user entity for the stub user to avoid a duplicate stub user creation.'


    But in,

    'Stub Users can never be enabled and can never login into the system. It is best practice to have a fake email address for stub users, so that if those users ever require to be activated, you can create the users and then convert the ownership of records from stub users to you regular users.'

    ' if that particular legacy user eventually did return to the organization and needed to become an active user.  Their “historical” user record would not be able to be re-activated since there is no way to re-link to an Office 365 user record (that I am aware of).  In this case you would need to create a new user and then use a tool (such as Kingswaysoft) to re-assign the historical records.'


    If possible, you can try the first method and check if it works.

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