Hello guys,
We had an issue with our Sandbox Environment and created a ticket/issue on the Admin Center > Help + support. The response for the meeting was quick and we explained what the issue was. They said they will get back to us as quickly as possible, and they started with emailing us some more questions. We answered and patiently waited. Then, came more (already answered) questions and we answered again. The started insuring us that the ticket is being looked into and there are developers working on the issue at hand. A week passed with no resolution or new information on the issue. We wrote again and asked for some news, and what is happening with the ticket. They just told us that the issue is being worked on, but no estimate for how long it would take to get this issue fixed or of any progress made (The issue is disabling us from creating any further development on the environment and stopping us from working on this project). We started sending emails back and forth trying to understand what was happening but we only got very vague answers. We started complaining and asked for the issue to be escalated or transferred to a different department or company so it can be solved. A month into the issue now, and we don't know what to do or where to call or email for this issue to be solved.
Has someone had a similar experience, and does anyone know where we can go to fix this issue?
Thank you in advance,
[If the post needs to be edited or transferred to another topic, feel free to let me know. It's my first time posting here.]