Recently one of the developer left the project and his account is disabled.
But In the meantime , we changed the owner of all the workflows and plug ins from his name to the service account which has proper license and read-write access.
Even though , we changed, not able to update the account entity relevant forms. It throws the below error message
Exception Message: The user with SystemUserId='' in OrganizationContext='' is not licensed, and its SystemUserAccessMode=0 is not either of (NonInteractive=4, SetupUser=1)
ErrorCode: -2147167669
HexErrorCode: 0x8004d24b
ApiExceptionSourceKey: Step/Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.ImageRetrievalStep
ApiStepKey: 84b9d1ca-3e30-11db-b951-000cf1fe02ff
ApiDepthKey: 1
ApiActivityIdKey: 03761853-cfb7-4719-9cb1-cad6c605b592
ApiPluginSolutionNameKey: System
ApiStepSolutionNameKey: System
ApiExceptionCategory: ClientError
ApiExceptionMesageName: UserNotAssignedLicense
ApiExceptionHttpStatusCode: 400
HelpLink: go.microsoft.com/.../
Activity Id: d166f9c3-09ab-42b5-9499-d7451aa14e81
Will there be any other things which we have to look into for his ownership ?
Is there anyway we can trace the resources which is owned by his account ?
Any cache ?