In the work order list view, I would like to add a filter that depends on the current user.
There is a default column /Reserved Ressources/ that we can see in grid (meaning the user has been booked for the work order). I would like to filter on it but I can't. When I try to add /Reserved Ressources/ to the filter, it can't find the field...
I need to filter the current user on this field : <attributename=/msdyn_bookingsummary//> (It display the ressource that has been booked for the work order)
I don't see 'Reserved Resources' column in the work order table.
As for the 'msdyn_bookingsummary' column you mentioned, his display name is 'Booking Summary', as well as the fact that he is a text column
If you want to filter based on the current user criteria, only lookup fields related to the user can be used
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