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Session Id : N8agyR9GLGWh+f3rWNcg3p
Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

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Posted on 21 Apr 2015 18:46:08 by


I'm trying to understand our current operations of AX.  Currently, if I Firm a Planned Order, Dynamics AX is creating the associated Production Order (as expected), but it's also Scheduling the newly created production order.  Is there a way to inhibit the Production Order from Scheduling, but rather leave it in the "Created" status?

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on 30 Jun 2016 at 20:09:14
    RE: Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

    This might be a validation bug, assuming you don't have any item coverage (as opposed to coverage group) that is configured to auto-firm. I hopped onto a generic Contoso system, created a brand new coverage group, and it would not allow setting "created" or "estimated" as default status. I was able to bring up the ReqGroup table (Ctrl-D), manually change one of the coverage group settings to Created, ran MRP, found the planned order, but when attempting to firm, I hit a hard error saying the auto-update does not support reversal of status, so it looks like Microsoft is somehow hard-wiring in the assumption that an order must be estimated and scheduled as part of the firming process.

    This might be related to some setting on capacity reservations--could be that some setting is requiring a capacity reservation to be made, which requires scheduled status, and that the error message is misleading or incorrectly worded.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on 30 Jun 2016 at 15:32:33
    RE: Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

    Thanks for the response, Chan. As it so happens, I had already located the parameter in the Coverage Group -> Other section. However, when I attempted to set the Requested Production Status field on a given coverage group to "Created", I received an error message that stated "Production status Created is illegal when firming is made automatically."

    After doing some research on automatic firming (which we are not currently using), I have confirmed that the Firming checkbox in the Time Fence fast tab within the Master Plans parameters is unchecked, and that the associated field is populated with a value of zero.

    Is there another parameter elsewhere that controls automatic firming? If so, where would it be located? We are stuck right now with all firmed planned orders coming across as scheduled, even though we are not using (and have no desire to use) automatic firming.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    on 30 Jun 2016 at 14:40:25
    RE: Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

    Under the coverage group setting you're applying to the product(s), look in the Other region, requested production order status. You'll want to go with something earlier than scheduled, such as created or estimated. If whatever you're planning on tweaking that is why you don't want them scheduled could impact the planned cost, then go with "created", otherwise go with "estimated".

    You'd then have to manually execute the job/operation scheduling and advance the status to released, but each of those can be automated via recurring batch programs.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on 29 Jun 2016 at 21:26:22
    RE: Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

    Chris - I have a similar question, for reasons that are much the same. Did you ever identify a way to firm planned production orders to the Created or Estimated statuses?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on 22 Apr 2015 at 17:16:44
    RE: Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

    Steven, thanks for clarifying.  What I think were stuck on is we don't like the default scheduling parameters when firming, and there does not seem to be a way to batch reschedule the planned orders to what were looking for.  Ideally, our scheduling would be done "Backward from scheduling date", with a selected variable scheduling date.  

  • Suggested answer
    Weaveriski Profile Picture
    23,616 Moderator on 22 Apr 2015 at 09:20:05
    RE: Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

    You cannot firm the order to the status created or estimated (as defined within each coverage group), it needs to be scheduled as it has based all of the dates on the capacity element. Andre is probably referencing the capacity planning production flag in master planning parameters which will consider existing production capacity when calculating - it does not stop it calculating I believe. This field is no longer on the firm option, but it used to be.

    My question to you is the status "created" is not an order. Why are you firming them if you are not happy with the scheduling. All of the order elements are hanging off the scheduling and material availability - by not taking the scheduling it potentially makes your plan a nonsense anyway. So why do you not want it to schedule?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on 21 Apr 2015 at 21:38:05
    RE: Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

    Thanks AndrĂ©.  That's seems where I thought it would be, but I can't seem to narrow it to the correct parameter.  Maybe I'm missing it, but can you tell me what parameter(s) that would be.  I'm not seeing how I can control the firming / scheduling for a planned order in a way I described above.  

  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    292,933 Super User 2025 Season 1 on 21 Apr 2015 at 19:59:12
    RE: Planned Orders Firming / Auto-scheduling

    Hi ChrisNav,

    The Master planning parameters has an option to schedule Production orders or not on the tab Planned orders. Please uncheck this parameter in your scenario.

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