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Email Insights - Buttons not working on heat map & links not being fully captured

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Hi all,

Has anyone encountered any issues with the buttons not showing on the heat map in email insights?

I am also noting, when I include a link to an event registration - there is more people that have registered (40) than have clicked as per the email insights (21) . Is Dynamics not capturing all clicks of links in a marketing email?


  • Hilde Forslund Profile Picture
    Hilde Forslund 12 on at
    Email Insights - Buttons not working on heat map & links not being fully captured
    Hi, did anyone get a clear answer to this. I have followed the tips in this thread and sometimes it i registered clicks on buttons and sometimes not. We sent a ticket to MS and they mentioned something about restrictive consent model? Anyone heard that? And best of all, knows how to  fix?

    Still in outbound , trantitioning to RTJ.

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards, HIlde
  • Saad Farooq Profile Picture
    Saad Farooq 65 on at
    Email Insights - Buttons not working on heat map & links not being fully captured
    Hi folks,
    I am having a similar issue and have not got the answer yet. Some buttons in my marketing email do not show any clicks when I view the "Links" tab (Heat map) in the insights section, but when I go into the "Interactions" tab, I can see multiple clicks on the same button. I have checked and the button has tracking enabled. What is the setting I could be missing due to which I cannot see the link clicks on the button in the heat map?

  • Suggested answer
    Aga M Profile Picture
    Aga M on at
    RE: Email Insights - Buttons not working on heat map & links not being fully captured

    Hi Lucy8921,

    Tracking is available for buttons too. 
    Please ensure you have the tracking parameter turned ON in the button properties (see attached screenshot).

    Best regards,
    PM, Dynamics 365 Marketing


  • Ryan Wadsworth Profile Picture
    Ryan Wadsworth 10 on at
    RE: Email Insights - Buttons not working on heat map & links not being fully captured

    If you use the hyperlink function in a text box you get the ability to enable tracking and not. This then removes that HTML data-msdyn-tracking="false" code.

    I wish this option was available on the button element, it would solve all our problems.


  • lucy8921 Profile Picture
    lucy8921 10 on at
    RE: Email Insights - Buttons not working on heat map & links not being fully captured

    Thank you Ryan, this is helpful. Have you had any issues with lower click-through rates?


  • Ryan Wadsworth Profile Picture
    Ryan Wadsworth 10 on at
    RE: Email Insights - Buttons not working on heat map & links not being fully captured

    We are getting the same behaviour around buttons. When you look into the HTML data-msdyn-tracking="false" is being added automatically. When we manually remove it from the HTML then tracking and heatmap works fine. The problem is end-users aren't going to do that. 

    Happens when you edited the button again, it re-adds the same code snippet and tracking breaks again.

    There must be a master setting somewhere that causes that code to be inserted but I can't find it anywhere.

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