Please see the below request. We are getting an issue where it wants a primitive value instead of a guid. The only way we can create this link is with the GUID lookup field.
If we try this without the Odata bind, it says CRM do not support direct update of Entity Reference properties, Use Navigation properties instead.
Has anyone had any experience trying to do a similar thing
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'User-Agent: insomnia/9.3.3' \
--cookie 'ARRAffinity=32207340dfef8ba6e2c1f475039acee12adec5436b8e97f2d636e54692306f1beb29bb4b19df1459d2ea781b605f33064b9fea1f144b525b9d7676625c4ffb5408DCC2B658F6E1CA295697670; ReqClientId=ce137239-f97b-462e-929b-cd5f7cb4a02c; orgId=37bb55e7-7293-ee11-8175-0022481a23ac' \
--data '{
"ed_name": "Sample Customer Care",
"_ed_relateddeal_value@odata.bind": "/ed_deals(49234821-8dbf-ee11-907a-000d3a7e86e2)"