Trying to figure out how to get work not to create until the day prior to a sales orders' confirmed delivery date. Example, on a route, we have customers that go M-W-F, and others that go T-TH. Confirmed delivery dates look to receipt calendar on each customer and GOP dates order based on those delivery days. However the work will create immediately regardless of the day of the week. If a M-W-F customer submits an order on Monday, we don't want work to create until Tuesday for Wednesday shipment. Can anyone offer advice?
Controlling work creation based on customer receipt calendar?
You could but not sure you want to prevent work from being created as you are saying; there will always be exception and then you end up having to twiddle with your configuration to " just let that one go this one time".
Any thoughts on using the Automatic release of Sales Order batch job?
If you configure the batch job to look at Requested Ship date with "((day(1))" in parameter and run it with a recurrence of 1 per day, you'd probably get close to what you want. And you can release manually for these exceptional circumstances.
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