I've embedded a Marketing form on our website to download our brochure. Once a contact clicks submit the contact is added to a customer journey which sends the contact an email with the brochure attached and generates a task for our sales team. This all works very well. But if the contact comes back and resubmits the form it does not activate the customer journey for the second time so does not resend the email.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
Thanks, Fraser
Hi Fraser,
"it doesn't seem to let contacts enter the segment in the first place" ---- It is most likely that there is no contact submitting the form in the last 1 day.
Once a contact has submitted this form in the last one day, the contact will be entered into this segment and then into the customer journey.
The Timestamp condition can be removed, but whether or not it is removed has little effect on the result.
Hi Nya
I have set this up with a segment now like the below but with the filter on it doesn't seem to let contacts enter the segment in the first place. When I take the filter off it works but I'm assuming the contact will go into the recurrence loop in the customer journey. Sorry, still really confused by this. Thanks again, Fraser
Hi Fraser,
The contacts in the red circle can be filtered out in another way.
You just need to create a dynamic segment with a behavior block. (Reference: Create segments based on interactions (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs)
Larger image
Thanks, Nya. I'm wondering if I have set this up wrong as I'm not using a segment. Below is what I have set up. Should the contact be added to a segment at some point in the customer journey or do I do this through a suppression segment? Below is what I have created. Your help is much appreciated. Fraser
Hi Fraser,
You can add a filter like the following screenshot into the segment.
After adding the filter, only the contacts who submit the form in the last 1 day will be in the segment again.
Hi Nya
I have set up the customer journey as outlined above and it does allow people to complete the form multiple times, as long as there is 24 hours between each submission. This issue now is that the contact goes back into the loop every 24 hours and get's reissued the email every 24 hours – any idea?
Thanks for your time on this, Fraser
You're welcome!
If the issue has been solved, please click the "Yes" to verify my answer.
Or if there is any further doubt, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Great, thank you for your help Nya!
Hi Fraser,
Yes, you're right.
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