I am in GCC. Having a powerapps model-driven app with Dataverse.
Recently, I deployed, as usual, an exported managed solution from DEV to QA and I do not see a solution layer for a table that has changes in the solution. The table is Ticket (incident).
Solution layers do exist for all previous deployments.
The latest deploy did create a solution layer for other components (a process) in the solution.
Only managed solutions are imported to QA. I do know that changes to a managed environment create unmanaged layers.
? Is there some other way unmanaged layers might have been created ?
I had already manually looked for unmanaged layers and also used XRMtoolbox solution layers tool (big fan of XMRToolbox) to check for unmanaged layers. None are found.
I have re-confirmed that changes do exist in the exported solution for the Ticket table(incident/case). We use Ticket as the name.
I had checked the xml of the exported solution for the expected changes. The changes do appear in the xml.
we have managed and unmanaged layer. which one you are referring?
The way understood is you have imported the solution on QA but changes related to incident table is not reflecting? if yes, then you must have unmanaged layer on case table.
Also, check if solution is in upgrade state or not. if it is in upgrade state, then please click on Apply Upgrade which will automatically merge the changes and you might see you changes again.
Unmanaged layers could be possible in your target environment when do you manually do changes in the target environment, before the deployment, you can actually verify if there were any unmanaged layers in your target environment and remove them using Solution Layer Removal Xrm Toolbox Plugin.
Hope this helps..
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