Hi ,
I need to make ssrs report by x++ code , insert main Account Id and Interval From Date and To Date
The result is TransactionCurrencyAmount for every transaction
any help to bind tables
Thanks .
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Hi ,
I need to make ssrs report by x++ code , insert main Account Id and Interval From Date and To Date
The result is TransactionCurrencyAmount for every transaction
any help to bind tables
Thanks .
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Please try once with the below code:
static void Job12(Args _args) { DimensionAttributeValueCombination DimensionAttributeValueCombination; DimensionHierarchyLevel hierarchyLevel; GeneralJournalEntry generalJournalEntry; GeneralJournalAccountEntry generalJournalAccountEntry; DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute; MainAccount mainAccount; AmountMSTDebCred CurCodeCont, trans; DimensionFocusBalance DimensionFocusBalance; while select generalJournalAccountEntry Join generalJournalEntry where generalJournalAccountEntry.GeneralJournalEntry == generalJournalEntry.RecId && generalJournalEntry.AccountingDate == str2Date('01/01/2016',123) Join DimensionAttributeValueCombination where DimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId == generalJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension // && DimensionAttributeValueCombination.LedgerDimensionType == LedgerDimensionType::DefaultAccount Join MainAccount where mainAccount.MainAccountId =='2385' && mainAccount.RecId == DimensionAttributeValueCombination.MainAccount { CurCodeCont += generalJournalAccountEntry.AccountingCurrencyAmount; trans += generalJournalAccountEntry.TransactionCurrencyAmount; // GJN += generalJournalEntry.RecId; } info(strFmt("%1, %2", CurCodeCont, trans)); }
This is my code but the output need more filter
while select AccountingCurrencyAmount from generalJournalAccountEntry
Join generalJournalEntry Join DimensionAttributeValueCombination
Join MainAccount Join DimensionHierarchy
where mainAccount.MainAccountId =='2385'
&& mainAccount.RecId == DimensionAttributeValueCombination.MainAccount
&&DimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId == generalJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension
&&generalJournalAccountEntry.GeneralJournalEntry == generalJournalEntry.RecId
&& generalJournalEntry.AccountingDate == str2Date('01/01/2016',123)
CurCodeCont += generalJournalAccountEntry.AccountingCurrencyAmount;
GJN += generalJournalEntry.RecId;
You can find the query in the method populateTmpTransSummary(Line# 194)of class LedgerTrialBalanceDP.
// Insert transactions prior to start date as Opening transactions insert_recordset _ledgerTrialBalanceStagingTmp (AccountingDate, LedgerDimension, DetailSummary, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, PostingLayer, TransactionType, PrimaryFocus) select minOf(AccountingDate), FocusLedgerDimension, summary, sum(DebitAccountingCurrencyAmount), sum(CreditAccountingCurrencyAmount), PostingLayer, opening from dimensionFocusBalance group by dimensionFocusBalance.FocusLedgerDimension, dimensionFocusBalance.PostingLayer, dimensionAttributeValueCombination.DisplayValue where dimensionFocusBalance.FocusDimensionHierarchy == _primaryDimensionSet.RecId && ((dimensionFocusBalance.AccountingDate < _startDate && dimensionFocusBalance.AccountingDate >= periodStartDate) || (dimensionFocusBalance.AccountingDate >= periodStartDate && dimensionFocusBalance.FiscalCalendarPeriodType == FiscalPeriodType::Opening && !_includeOpeningInDetail)) && dimensionFocusBalance.Ledger == Ledger::current() && dimensionFocusBalance.AccountingDate <= _endDate && dimensionFocusBalance.IsSystemGeneratedUltimo == NoYes::No && dimensionFocusBalance.Ledger == Ledger::current() join DisplayValue from dimensionAttributeValueCombination where dimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId == dimensionFocusBalance.FocusLedgerDimension;
How can I see the X++ code i need to know the path
I feel that information is available on TrailBalance form, are you looking for X++ code which provides this details.
Path: General ledger/Common/Trial balance
Hi Sukrut Parab ,
OperationsTax::Current Operand types are not compatible with the operator.
I need Opening balance , Debit And credit
Can you provide the details of the data you want to extract by passing this values.
Hi Chaitanya Golla ,
But I need To Insert Account Number Id And Filter All Data By Acc. No. And Date
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