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Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

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I have a client with the following scenario they want to see in Dynamics Marketing and I don't believe it's possible. Is there any of this that can be accomplished in Marketing?:

  • Prospect likes (or comment) a post on a Social media Channel
  • User can add prospect to CRM and engage with Direct message with link (everything tracked in CRM)
  • User can see in real time if Prospect click on the link and what pages navigates through our website.
  • Can proactively engage through webchat and propose a webinar
  • Prospect subscribe for webinar and enters the automatic journey.
  • User can do follow up through Social media Direct message and when scores is over the designated point Prospect will receive automatic message on Social media to engage on our website
  • briangry Profile Picture
    briangry 5 on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?
    [quote user="oli56"]

    Are you only interested in tracking user actions on Twitter and Facebook? I would like to suggest a makeshift but effective way to generate leads on Instagram. I decided to increase Instagram likes count on my posts using the service to promote my business account. This way, I could track which likes came from paid users and which I received organically. And in order to track who has liked my post, I parsed the usernames of those app users who left the like, forming my base. The resulting base was used for mailing an offer to Direct Messages. Hope this will help you.


    Thanks for reply -

  • oli56 Profile Picture
    oli56 20 on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

    Are you only interested in tracking user actions on Twitter and Facebook? I would like to suggest a makeshift but effective way to generate leads on Instagram. I decided to increase Instagram likes count on my posts using the service to promote my business account. This way, I could track which likes came from paid users and which I received organically. And in order to track who has liked my post, I parsed the usernames of those app users who left the like, forming my base. The resulting base was used for mailing an offer to Direct Messages. Hope this will help you.

  • non Profile Picture
    non 5 on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

    First, it is important to determine the goals. The goals of projects can be different: for some, it is important that subscribers click on links – this is relevant for news and media resources that publish announcements. For others, it is the number of reposts and likes for audience growth and subsequent sale of advertising posts in the community. This is often done by entertainment social networks that post memes. For example, my wife has a small confectionery factory and she creates very tasty and beautiful cakes and pastries. There are customers, but I would also like to keep a page in social networks so that as many people as possible know about her talent. I decided to take up the promotion of her social media page, but it seems to me that I did it badly, because I have absolutely no experience in this area. After searching for information about agencies, I came across ( )seo agency and decided to work with them because of the good reviews. My wife was very happy with so many new clients as she could . Sometimes you need to contact a professional to promote your page.

  • AmeyHolden Profile Picture
    AmeyHolden 230 on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

    Yeah it’s a custom entity but it’s all been done with simple dynamics configuration and power automate flows - no fancy code! Definitely something that could be easily implemented for your client 

  • pdr469 Profile Picture
    pdr469 177 on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

    Thanks Amey. I see you have "Twitter" in your sitemap and it looks like you have it as an entity in Dynamics for Flow to key on. Is that a custom entity you created? I don't have an entity named Twitter in my marketing instance.

  • AmeyHolden Profile Picture
    AmeyHolden 230 on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

    Some of this is possible by leveraging power automate - here’s an example of some things I’ve been playing with

    ive also started to look at how UI Flows can be used for interacting on social media, it’s got some good potential 

    sadly this is an area that dynamics marketing falls a bit short since social engagement does, I hope they shift this area up in priority on the road map soon!

  • pdr469 Profile Picture
    pdr469 177 on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

    Thanks. Is there an article on this? I didn’t see anything earlier outside of social post capabilities. They really want it to not only track posts but also likes/comments.

  • Suggested answer
    d_radulova Profile Picture
    d_radulova 2 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

    Sorry, forgot to say,

    Social insights is on the product roadmap.

  • Suggested answer
    d_radulova Profile Picture
    d_radulova 2 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Is it possible to track comments/likes on Social Media via the Marketing App?

    Hi @pdr469,

    sounds like good news for your customer here.

    Out of the box D365Marketing functionality :

    • User can see in real time if Prospect click on the link and what pages navigates through our website.
    • Prospect subscribe for webinar and enters the automatic journey.

    Can be achieved with customer journey custom tile:

    • User can do follow up through Social media Direct message and when scores is over the designated point Prospect will receive automatic message on Social media to engage on our website

    Good luck, let us know how you get on with it.



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