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Chart to display event joined in Account

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Does anyone know how can I display the distinct number of event that the contact under the Account is joined in a chart? There is potential that 2 contact under the same account is joining same event, but the count should be distinct as 1 only. This chart required to be able to drill down to show which event is joined. 

I tried to create a chart under the account, but I can't see the event registration/check-ins entity. As the event registration is tied to contact and not account?

I also tried to create a view from contact and event registration/check-ins as well, but no luck.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Chart to display event joined in Account

    Hi Teh,

    Could you get correct statistic result from the fetchxml that I posted?



  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Chart to display event joined in Account

    Hi Teh,

    From your description, would you like to create an account-based event registration view?


    Event ID   Contact    Event   Contact Company  
    ER 1326 A01 XYZ Fabrikam
    ER 3357 A02 Contoso Reference   Fabrikam
    ER 0538 A03 XYZ Fabrikam
    ER 7465 A04 Contoso Reference   Fabrikam
    ER 6812 A05 Contoso Reference   Fabrikam
    ER 9176 A06 Contoso Reference   Fabrikam
    ER 6975 A07 Contoso Reference   Fabrikam

    You expected view:

    Company Name  Event   Total  
    Fabrikam XYZ 2
    Fabrikam Contoso Reference   5

    Due to you need aggregation on attribute of linked entity(contact) and event registraion itself(count),

    which could be regarded as complex query, in this situation, you should build a custom fetchXML to achieve it.


    To run above fetchXML, you should execute it in XrmToolBox with its FetchXML Builder plugin.(a free and useful 3rd party tool for Dynamics 365)

    From my test as so far, it seems that system view not supports aggregation function, but we can apply the fetchXml into chart with another Xrmtoolbox plugin: Advanced Chart Editor.

    Full demo: (Fabrikam, Inc)

    1. Raw records in Dynamics 365 Marketing


    2. Raw result in fetchXML builder


    3. Chart (Deep green block)



    Chart is stacked column chart.

    In a word,

    to build such chart with your requirement, you need follow items:

      * XrmToolBox

      * XrmToolBox plugin: Fetchxml Builder to test fetchxml result

      * XrmToolBox plugin: Advanced Chart Editor(Actually what we need to do is just replacing default fetchxml with our owns, see final screenshot)

      * Tutorial about advanced chart editor:




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