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Ribbon buttons showing label as null and not working.

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Hi All,
I've Opportunity Subgrid in other entity and there I noticed some buttons are showing null value or label but when I checked those from ribbon workbench but couldn't find there.
Buttons has label null and not working. Could anyone help me on this how to remove them even they are not showing in Ribbon Workbench. 
Thanks in Advance.

  • Suggested answer
    RudyZhang Profile Picture
    RudyZhang Microsoft Employee on at
    Ribbon buttons showing label as null and not working.
    Regarding your reference to locating and removing buttons in Ribbnon WorkBench
    To answer your first question first, according to your description you have subgrids of Opportunity entities in your other entities. If you have a problem with a button on your subgrid, when troubleshooting the error, you should consider looking for the button on the Opportunity entity.
    Then to answer your second question, if the button on the form is not displaying, but you locate the button using Ribbon WorkBench, you can edit the button to check the DisplayRole for errors.
    Here's a link to something that might be helpful to you
    Finally to answer your third question, if you want to remove a button using Ribbon WorkBench you need to make sure that the button is editable as some systems provide buttons that are not editable and these pushbuttons do not usually show up on top of RibbonWorkBench.
    Also, based on your question our team is guessing that the button you want to remove is a custom button and not a system-provided button, but we need more correct information to verify this guess. So, could you please provide some screenshots, which will allow our team to pinpoint your issue faster?
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Rudy Zhang

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